What to Do When You Have a Leaking Hot Water System

What to do when you have a leaking hot water system will depend on a few key details. These include the cause of the leak, the component that is leaking and the extent of the damage. After clarifying this, you can determine whether replacement or repair is the appropriate next step.

Key Takeaways

  • A leaking water system could cause water damage and increase your water bills
  • Potential causes for water system leaks include wear and tear, residue and direct damage
  • A damaged water tank, water pressure valve or pipes and fittings may cause a leak
  • Repair or replacement may be necessary depending on the extent of the damage
  • It’s important to let a professional hot water system plumber deal with a leaking hot water system

Why is a Leaking Hot Water System a Concern?

A leaking hot water system could cause you a range of issues. Sometimes, it results in water streaming across your floor in a very visible way. This may damage your flooring, especially if you have carpeted floors. It may also manifest as reduced water pressure in your taps or shower. In addition to being inconvenient, this suboptimal water flow could cause you to have higher water bills.

plumber fixing leaking hot water system

What Causes a Leaking Hot Water System?

There are a number of reasons that your hot water system could be leaking. Some are long-term causes such as residue buildup or wear and tear. Alternatively, a leak can be caused by an accident that inflicts direct damage to your system. In some situations, issues with high water pressure, related to a faulty pressure relief valve, may be the cause of hot water system leaks.

Wear and Tear

Generally, hot water systems are capable of lasting for 10-20 years if they are installed properly with high-quality components. However, they will still experience damage over time through regular use. This is generally unavoidable, given enough time, and can result in a hot water tank leaking.

Residue Buildup

Through extended use, your tank may experience a buildup of substances like rust and sediment. These can pile up at the bottom of the tank and potentially cause rust. Eventually, this can result in a leaking hot water tank. This tends to happen when the hot water anode begins failing.

High Water Pressure

If your system’s water pressure is not being released properly, it will build up. High water pressure can cause a component to burst and spring a leak. This will typically be due to an issue with the pressure relief valve, which can lead to persistent leaks if not addressed.

Direct Damage

Your hot water system can often be damaged by experiencing blunt force. If someone is dropped or falls onto a part of the system, this could cause a crack or dent. Any component in the hot water system could be damaged in this way. Typically, a leak can be identified shortly after an incident like this.

no hot water coming out of tap

Where is Your Hot Water System Leaking From?

The place where the hot water unit is leaking helps determine what is causing the issue. Depending on which component is damaged, the hot water system will manifest a leak differently. The storage tank, water pressure valves, and the pipes or fittings are all vulnerable to leaking if they experience damage.

Damaged Hot Water Anode

The hot water anode is located on the top of the water tank, and is designed to inhibit corrosion in the water tank. If this is damaged, it may cause the water tank to start rusting. Hot water anodes can generally be replaced without changing the tank if the issue is identified early enough.

Damaged Hot Water Tank

The hot water tank is where the hot water in your system is stored. It can accrue damage in a number of ways including blunt force and rust resulting from a faulty hot water anode. A significantly damaged water tank will require the whole hot water system to be replaced.

Damaged Water Pressure Relief Valve

Pressure relief valves are designed to release water when the pressure and temperature get too high. If it’s not working properly, too much water pressure will build up and this results in a leak. When water pressure relief valves are damaged, the pressure in the system stops being regulated properly.

Damaged Pipes and Fittings

The pipes and fittings are the pathways that water uses to travel between the hot water system and areas of the house. If these develop weak points, the flowing water may increase this damage over time. This will eventually result in a leak. 

Should Hot Water Systems be Repaired or Replaced?

Whether hot water systems should be repaired or replaced depends on the extent of the damage. If the damage is minor, then you can often fix the issue by repairing a specific component. But sometimes, severe damage means that repair is insufficient and replacement is necessary.


Repair is typically an option when the pressure relief valve, pipes and fittings are at fault. Over time, they may become loose and allow water to trickle out. Repairing these is typically straightforward and requires tightening at the points of pressure release.

Partial Replacement

Partial replacement involves switching out smaller components which can not be repaired. This is possible with pipes, fittings and water pressure valves. You may also be able to replace the hot water anode of the water tank if it’s causing the leak. Partial replacement typically requires the replacement part to be the same as the damaged component.

Full System Replacement

A full hot water system replacement will be necessary if your hot water tank sustains significant damage. This is the most time-consuming and expensive option. Typically, you would do a full system replacement with the same type of system. However, if the damaged system was quite old, installing a newer system may be better due to advancements in hot water system technology.

What Steps Do You Take When Your Hot Water System is Leaking?

If your hot water system is leaking, you should take the appropriate steps to get it working again soon. However, you should not attempt to conduct a repair or replacement on your own. Attempting to do so would carry many potential risks to both yourself and your home.

What you should do is identify the hot water system leak before turning the water, power, and gas supplies (if you have a gas hot water system) off. Then, you can contact a professional plumber to give a full assessment and recommend next steps.

Who Should You Call When You Have a Leaking Hot Water System?

When you have a leaking hot water system, you need to find a professional to help you with the issue. Our professional plumbers can check components like the temperature relief valve to ensure everything is functioning properly. Luckily, Proud Plumbing and Gas are equipped to help you. Our professional plumbers can take a look at your hot water system and figure out the next steps. Contact us today if you want your hot water system looked at.

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